2023 Promo Edit
2022 Promo Edit
celebrating the film and creativity within a country currently in crisis. We are raising funds and awareness for humanitarian and aid charities, through ticket sales. Screenings at BAFTA cinema, featuring short films, messages from the Ukrainian film community, and showing a feature film as per each night. Ukrainian film makers, producers and crew, do send us your work to feature across our screenings: filmsforukraine@gmail.com
29 / 02 / 24 - Luxemburg Luxemburg - Antonio Lukich
10 / 08 / 2023 - We Will not Fade Away - Alisa Kovalenko
08 / 08 / 2023 - My Thoughts are Silent - Antonio Lukich
01 / 04 / 22 - The Earth is as Blue as an Orange
Production : Phil Tidy, Thomas James
Editor : Emma Giacalone
Music : The Ukrainians - Batyar (Bigmouth Strikes Again)
Works featured (in order of appearance) : Oleg Bondarenko, Anna Kopylova, Pavel Buryak, Albert Zurashvili, Vlad Bolyelov, Lena Chekhovsky, Max Malinovskiy, Karin Melnychenko, Dasha Taivas, Dasha Deriagina, Denis Manokha & Max Shelkovnikov, Radioaktive Film, Ilya Maksymenko.