Director Statement
" During the deep winter of the pandemic lockdown of 2020 my son the music artist Carl Blarx began to record a new project. On first listening to the opening bars of ‘Life Sentences’ I spun out into a dream of a singular intergalactic samurai knight crossing vast borders, carrying the weight of the past and hope for the future whilst slowly awakening to nature which in turn delivers him back to a deeper self discovery and reconnection within. I relayed the story of how it would feel and look 'very soft! very snowy!' and upon asking him if he would allow me to direct he said yes.
This piece of work is heavily influenced by the gentle otherworldly feel of samurai and Japanese ghost films of the 1960s and the cosmic horror elements of Jack Clayton’s The Innocents, Charles Laughton’s Night Of The Hunter, Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris and the cinematography work of Scott Barley, also the photographic work of Miho Kajioka and Bill Henson. The look of this film was discussed at great length over a period of a year with my dop Tanmoye Khan and we finally made the decision to shoot in anamorphic with infrared after I showed him an Agnès Varda interview on the making of Cléo from 5 to 7 where she recounts the story of wanting to make the chlorophyll greens of the park snowy through the use of coloured glass filters. "
Director : Anderson
Producer : Haya Demlogue
Producer : Jazz Lintott
Exec Producer : Bridget Muir
DOP : Tanmoye Khan
Production Design : Bridget Muir
Associate Editor : Joseph Monck
Graphics : Redwan El-Harrak
Grading : Jay Creagh
Edit & Grade for Export : Emma Giacalone
Costumes : Anna Clifford
MUA : Stacey Fitzgerald
1st AC : Steven Fairman
Loader : Fast Tamimi
Lighting Assistant : Freddie Sister
BTS : Max Siebers